Shanmukhi Mudra-Beautifying Kriya

Shanmukhi Mudra-Beautifying Kriya

Shanmukhi Mudra is a yogic practice, a kriya using a Mudra or a hand posture and the breath. Though a simple practice, it is quiet subtle. Sadhguru says that it prepares the person for Pratyahara, which is a yogic term meaning withdrawal or mastery of the senses. It is said that it improves the aura of the face and therefore people concerned with their beauty can do it. 

Some of the benefits are as followed:

  • Improves Vision
  • Brightens the eyes and rejuvanates different parts of the face
  • Helps turn a person inward, prepares one for Pratyahara
  • Brings about mental balance and enhances awareness
  • Helps with ailments related to nose, ears and eyes
  • helps relieve Vertigo and Tinnitus

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