

What Students and Clients Say about Atousa

“This weekend I learned about ancient Ayurveda practices from @dratousamahdavi. Let me be clear, overall I am a joyful, peaceful person. Thus I didn’t go seeing peace or relaxation. (Although that is definitely an additional benefit that is there). I am blessed to say I have that in my daily life. I went seeking a better understanding of the ins and outs of the physical body as it pertains to illness from Ayurveda perspective – it was the most informative/educational retreat I have ever done. New door has opened for me. Forever grateful for the journey of life.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Daniel Dejene

Dear Atousa, Thanks again for being such a good Teacher and thanks again for the opportunity of learning Angamardhana.  I learned more than I asked for. My body has been reaching a such a high level of vibrant that it feels like every cell in it is “crackling” through the day. I am impressed at how fast some strength and flexibility already built up having practiced it twice a day for just two weeks!  I have been really delighted with how well I am feeling right now as a result of these practices. I have been doing it twice a day and it was very challenging for the first 8 days, but it feel so nice in the body right now that it is hard to describe. I had no idea I could feel this well in my body at this age.

Luciano Szezerbaty


Dear Atousa,

Thank you for the wonderful week end.  The visualization of the positions and work helped me so much.  Before visualizing, I’d be sure I could never do the asana properly, and after a simple inner sight, my body went beyond what I thought it could .  I will visualize my inner engineering work once now, because I see that it’s my own mind that is hindering.  Upa has been able to release so much blocked energy.  Thank you for taking time from your family work and home to lead us .

Love and blessings,   Marlana

Bhuta Shuddhi is the bedrock of all of my practices. It is the first thing I do every morning and afterward I do a short meditation…the Bhuta Shuddhi clears everything away and creates a space where I then set the tone of the day. If you want to find a relationship to the five elements, this is the one. ~Nikolai Telmann



“Not long ago, I acquired a mysterious dermatitis that one Dermatologist diagnosed as Psoriasis.
In a previous and preliminary discussion, after asking a few pertinent questions over the phone, Dr. Mahdavi suggested that my symptoms were consistent with a Fungus infection.
Later, after skin and blood tests were performed by a more reputable Dermatologist, Dr. Mahdavi’s hypothesis was proven to be correct.
As a qualified medical examiner, Dr. Mahdavi combines analytical and academic aptitude with holistic, intuitive and nutritional knowledge, not only to diagnose and treat the symptom and the cause, but to heal and strengthen the total body, promoting preventative medicine as well.”
K. Kamali 



Dear Atousa,
Thank you for the Surya Kriya

Since taking Surya Kriya a few months ago I have seen the migraine headaches I have lived with my all life almost completely disappear. I used to experience several migraines per week, some of them lasting several hours to the point of being extremely debilitating. I have gone to see a doctor for it and all he could offer me were prescription pain killers. Now that I do my Surya Kriya practice daily I will get a headache very rarely and if I do, it will go away within a couple of hours on its own, no painkillers needed! What a huge difference! I’m extremely grateful to have learned this incredible practice!

Thank you! Stefania Moscato

Hi Atousa,
Surya kriya has helped me tremendously with my back problem. I had a severe back problem for years & couldn’t sit straight without support for more than 15 minutes. Regular practice of surya kriya has strengthened my back & I can sit straight without any support for a long period of time. Surya kriya has also helped me to maintain equanimity in my entire system.
Love, Brinda Gandhi

Thank you Atousa for the recent review session. I learned so many things, and more importantly to follow things as they were passed down. So today I took the time to do things properly and correctly (thanks to all of your corrections), and I noticed a big difference.

Also, I was very moved by the stories shared. I’ve been telling all my friends about Surya Kriya, especially because a lot of them have thyroid issues. So I hope you have another session soon, I’ve got a list of people interested! 🙂

Thank you again for offering this possibility to us in LA, we are so lucky to have you.   Lai Lao

Thanks so much for holding the surya kriya class and for encouraging me to take it. After my neck injury and all the pain i had to endure i got so scared that i stopped myself from any kind of activity . as a result i have become so stiff and everything hurts.

At one time before this i used to just luv yoga practices ..Anyway i really enjoyed your class and i think you’re the best instructor i have found with attention to detail and a very nice way of teaching/ explaining everything with reasoning: )..
i would really luv to take all your classes – Shivan M.

Some very powerful breakthroughs.
I got my time down to 8 min and did my first Surya Kriya with 3 rounds on Friday.
I have been experiencing myself at a completely new level of calmly knowing myself and asserting my wants needs and desires as I never have before. And people around me are responding in kind.

I also caught myself beating myself up mentally by pulling out the list of all I hadn’t accomplished and heard myself say “NO! STOP IT! YOU DON’T GET TO DO THAT ANYMORE. You’re BEATING ME UP, aren’t you? That’s why its so noisy up there!”
And suddenly it was just QUIET in my head. So peaceful.

Unbelievable Dr Madhavi. Its really helping me get the power back. I cant thank you and this teaching enough.    Roxy M.

Surya Kriya has been the most exciting practice I’ve brought into my life as of recently when they speak about activating the sun within you it really is true I feel a sense of warmth come over me since doing surya kriya and I can totally feel the energies rising to the top of my head and encompassing my entire body down to my toes and finger tips. Since doing the practice the need to eat as much has reduced a lot my energy has increased my sleep has gotten better I now get more restful sleep and I don’t need to sleep as much its brought a very grounding feeling to my body I feel more confident and at ease then ever before.

For sure one of the biggest things is ease i feel like my body is running better and more relaxed my breathing has changed as well going on hike or running is not as taxing on me my body and mind seems to be functioning better then it has in my entire 27 years on this planet it truly is a blessing I don’t plan on going a day without it Thank you so much Atousa for transmitting this amazing kriya to me and of course to Sadguru who made it all possible thank you so much!! Ryan Gordy


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